Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Our Walks for 2016!

Help Team Mama reach our goals!  This year we're doing it again as we conquer both northern and southern California!

Saturday, September 17, 2016
Team Mama Bay Area
3rd Annual Walk to End ALZ

Saturday, October 15, 2016
Team Mama SoCal
9th Annual Walk to End ALZ

Monday, October 19, 2015


There were a lot of firsts for Team Mama this year.

This was our first official Walk to End Alzheimer's in the Bay area and the first time we made a "shout out" LIVE on camera to state the names of those we walked in honor of or in support for because not just one, but many have been tremendously impacted by this unforgiving disease.

This was the first time we pieced together just how many...

This was the first time we really "bloomed" with fabric flowers that sported a variety of colors to show why we walked...to put a person in place of a percentage and in turn, shine a bigger and brighter light on its purpose.  


Team Mama Bay Area

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Team Mama made our mark at the first ever San Gabriel Valley Chapter Walk to End Alzheimer's in Pasadena!  Goodness knows we made sure the people in this walk knew we were there!  Not only in size and volume, but also in color!  We chanted "Mama" and showed just how much of an impact we can make as a team!

It was almost as much as the impact you made on our family...your family.


Miss you deeply,
Team Mama

Friday, August 28, 2015

Team Mama Sports Our New Shirts!

To celebrate our 8th year in a row, Team Mama is showing off our brand new shirts! Mama's very own grandson, Omar Buenaventura was behind the design and her granddaughters (and Team Captains), Nina Joan and Maribelle "Bea" took care of the orders and delivery.  It's amazing how long it's been since we had to say goodbye to such a great woman... but please know, we will never forget.

With Love,

Team Mama!

REMINDER: Sat. Aug. 29th 8am

Tomorrow, Sat. Aug. 29th is the BIG day for Team Mama - Pasadena!  This is our 8th Walk to End Alzheimer's and our first time actually doing the walk in Mama's hometown in the USA.  We will be meeting bright and early at 8am at the Rose Bowl and gearing ourselves up for another awesome experience, this time closer to home!

We recruited an amazing 25 members, including 2 "virtual walkers" and raised a whopping $1,135.00 hitting an incredible 114% to our goal!!!!


This isn't just about fundraising and finding a cure.  This is about FAMILY.  We vowed to keep Mama's legacy alive and to save memories from being lost... We know it'll take much more than what we can do, but we promise every year we will fight the fight until it's over.

Please join our efforts.  For more info:  Team Mama - Pasadena

We won't stop there!  We will continue this battle up in the Bay when we walk our official walk on Saturday, Sept. 19th at Fort Mason in San Francisco!  For more info:  Team Mama - Bay Area

#FightBack #Believe #TeamMamaForever

Amaya Fights ALZ!

Amaya is ready to walk and fight back against Alzheimer's! Help her get on the donation scoreboard by contributing a few dollars in her honor! A little goes a long way and my amazing niece proves it every day! 

Please visit her page at http://act.alz.org/site/TR/Walk2015/CA-CaliforniaSouthland?px=10918027&pg=personal&fr_id=7337

Thank you in advance! 

Team Mama

Rose and Princess Show their Support from the Philippines!

We'll be there in spirit, Team Mama!

Rose and Princess